Dr Brigit Ramsingh travelled to the University of Helsinki to deliver a research presentation at an international interdisciplinary conference entitled: 'Food in Society and Culture – Research across the Social Sciences and the Humanities'.
The symposium aimed to develop new analytical approaches to the study of food in the Humanities, Economics and the Social Sciences by looking at issues of food production, consumption, and food cultures in contemporary society.
Dr Ramsingh's paper - 'Society's Kidneys: Food waste, freegans and the use of metaphor to define alternative food networks' - formed part of a session investigating sustainability, alternative movements and food waste.
The event featured leading experts from a variety of disciplines including Alan Warde, Professor of Sociology at the University of Manchester, and Johanna Mäkelä, Professor of Food Culture at the University of Helsinki.
Dr Ramsingh commented: "The conference was fantastically well organised, with interesting and provocative sessions that continued long after the scheduled program had ended.
"It was one of the most talkative meetings I've been to, and I met many new colleagues and friends from across Europe with whom I will keep in touch in order to develop some collaborative research plans."
For more information about the event please click here.
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